Never Mind 'Woman on Mars' Photo: Curiosity Rover Celebrates 3 Years on Mars

| Aug 11, 2015 06:40 AM EDT

Can you see the "cloaked woman" on Mars in this photo?

Latest images from NASA's Mars Curiosity rover suggest a "cloaked woman" measuring only 10 centimeters in height standing on some rock formations where theorists say that this can potentially become solid evidence for alien life on Mars.

NASA scientists still won't comment on this particular photo but scientists believe that this is another case of pareidolia where human faces or figures somehow manifest on almost everything, from geological formations such as rocks or clouds.

Some famous examples of pareidolia in space were the "Face of Mars" captured by NASA's Viking 1 probe where the images were debunked by scientists when it was taken at different angles on the Red Planet.

Apart from this "cloaked woman" that might be cause for scientific excitement about extraterrestrial life on Mars, the real reason to celebrate is Curiosity rover's achieving a three year mark on the alien world that has been productive in providing crucial data for potential clues about Martian life.

Curiosity landed on Mars on August 5, 2012 from a dramatic touchdown involving a rocket powered "sky crane" that deployed the 1 ton rover to the surface via cables. The six wheeled robot's mission is to explore and examine the 96 mile wide Gale Crater that is believed to support microbial life. 

Curiosity successfully obtained samples from rocks near the landing site, from a region called Yellowknife Bay that provided scientists new information that Gale Crater once supported potential life in this once lake and stream system on Mars that dried millions of years ago.

The rover left the Yellowknife Bay area in 2013 where it began its journey towards the foothills of Mount Sharp, which possesses an elevation 3.4 miles in the center of the Gale crater. 

The primary target location of the mission is Mount Sharp where the team wants Curiosity to traverse through the alien mountain which will also observe and analyze the changing environmental conditions and geological landscape during its journey.

In September 2014, the rover reached the mountain and rolled up to a region called Pahrump Hills where it studied the area for five months and drilling rock samples.

To date, Curiosity is now at an elevation of anywhere from 66 to 98 feet above the Gale Crater floor where the team will now focus on the rover to climb 1,650 feet up the mountain to obtain more samples from the different layers of Mount Sharp.

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