Climate Change Will Cause World Food Shortages, Didn’t Kill Woolly Mammoth: Studies

| Aug 16, 2015 06:25 AM EDT

Humans, not climate change, caused the death of the woolly mammoth, according to a new study.

A recent report claims that climate change will make global food shortages three times more likely while another study revealed that humans, not climate change, are responsible for the death of the woolly mammoth.

A report by the Taskforce on Extreme Weather and Global Food System Resilience, a joint United States-British taskforce, warned the international community to be prepared for the possibly dramatic future rises in prices, Al Jazeera reported.

The U.K .foreign minister's Special Representative for Climate Change David King said, "The climate is changing and weather records are being broken all the time. The risks of an event are growing, and it could be unprecedented in scale and extent."

By 2040, it is likely that price spikes, food shortages and market volatility will happen at an exponentially higher rate of every 30 years, and by 2050, the world's population is set to rise to nine billion from the current population 7.3 billion, according to the study.

With the anticipated population increase, the study claimed that it will become necessary for food production to increase by over 60 percent and market disruptions related to climate may lead to civil disorder.

Meanwhile, a new research published in the journal Ecography proved that climate change should not be blamed for the death of the woolly mammoth, the woolly rhino, the sabretooth tiger and the giant armadillo.

According to the research, the dominant force in killing the ancient megafauna is man. With the new findings, researchers are set to investigate the continued existence of the megafauna in Asia, where they suffered very low extinction rates.

The research's lead supervisor Andrea Manica from Cambridge University said mainland Asia "remains a mystery" while their models "explain very well the timing and extent of extinctions for most of the world."

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