'Friends' Deleted Scene Gets Viral After Being Pulled From Air Following 9/11 [Watch Video]

| Aug 19, 2015 01:28 AM EDT

Friends Cast

An old deleted clip of NBC's popular sitcom, "Friends," featuring Monica, played by Courteney Cox, and Chandler, played by Matthew Perry, has gone viral, much to the amusement of the popular TV series' fans who are still hoping for its comeback.

The clip was set to air just two weeks after the tragic event of Sept. 11, 2001. Since the clip incidentally was about a bomb scare at the airport created by notorious Chandler, the channel decided to delete the scenes altogether and the clip never made it to the screen, Huffington Post reported.

Although, the video was uploaded on YouTube in 2007 with a message that "the  scenes can now be viewed in the spirit which they were originally intended," it has gained immense popularity in the last a few weeks.

As the scene opens, Chandler and Monica are seen gushing about their impending honeymoon while at the airport when the former made a joke about carrying a bomb.

 "You don't have to worry about me, ma'am, I take my bombs very seriously," said Chandler, after which the two are taken away by security for questioning. The next scene shows Chandler and Monica being interrogated when the security officer goes through the latter's luggage, much to her frustration owing to her OCD nature.

Later, the two are told to go when Monica receives a phone call from Joey, who informs her that he smells gas from her house and they have taken the keys, to which she tells him to break open the door. When Joey double-checks with her about breaking the door, she shouts into the phone, "No, I want you to stand there until everything blows up." The couple is again taken in for the questioning.

While the scene could not make to air, the show's writer found another hilariously creative way to substitute it, E! News reported. In the actual episode which was aired, Monica and Chandler did make it to the airport on time but become jealous of the couple who is in front of them in the line and gets treated with several newly-wed specials like an upgradation to first class.

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