Andre Berto Not a Patsy? Former Champion Wants To “Ruin Mayweather’s Retirement Plans”

| Aug 31, 2015 07:34 AM EDT

Mayweather vs Berto

In the fight that Floyd Mayweather, Jr. declared to be his last, boxing fans are disappointed on his choice of opponent.

Andre Berto has been labeled as a "patsy," a walk-on opponent that will ensure Money May's undefeated march into the sunset.

However, most people forget that Berto is a former champion and in an interview with Sky Sports, he would like to remind all of us about that fact.

This is going to be for everyone who believes in the underdog," Berto's odds are an overwhelming 16/1. However, he believes this is the best time for him.

"From an energy aspect I feel great. It's my first time in a while coming into a fight with no injuries. This is the healthiest I've been since I can remember."

Despite what critics say, Berto claims he can upset Money May.

"At the end of the day, this fight was supposed to happen two or three times," he claims. "Situations with me not taking care of myself and not taking opponents seriously caused it to happen. But styles make fights and we'll see what the boxing fans say September 12.

I know that I'm still the same guy who people thought could have given Floyd problems a couple years ago. 

Meanwhile, Matt McGrain of The Sweet Science defended Mayweather's choice of Andre Berto, final fight or not. He ran down a list of great champions including Muhammad Ali and Roy Jones, Jr, and contended that even they would often alternate a fight with a worthy opponent with a "patsy bout." Thus, the hatred for Mayweather is undeserved.

"The fight is poor, yes..but what Mayweather is doing is not odd."

Patsy or not, do not expect any attendance and Pay-per-view records to fall, especially since the bar was raised after Mayweather-Pacquiao last May.

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