iCloud Hack Still Remains Unsolved After One Year

| Sep 01, 2015 09:17 AM EDT

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One year after the infamous iCloud hack that dumped nude photos of well-known celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence on the Internet, authorities and online security experts are still in the dark regarding the identity of those responsible.

According to BT, on Aug. 31, 2014 several gigabytes worth of photos were anonymously dumped into online forums all over the Internet. The dump was comprised of privately upload photos of some of Hollywood's most famous celebrities, some of them were captured in otherwise compromising pose.

The hackers were able to acquire these collection of private photographs after they managed to get inside Apple iCloud accounts of the involved celebrities. Subsequent investigations performed by the Federal Bureau of Investigations led them to search several addresses and confiscate computers and other electronic equipment. Despite the effort of authorities, the case remains open and no single individual was charged.

Following the infamous hack, Apple denied the allegations thrown to the company regarding its lackluster security protocols. Apple insisted that its servers were not breached and the root of the hack was pointed towards password strength. Online security experts suggest that a piece of computer software that repeatedly guesses common passwords was used in the hack.

Internet security expert Jonathan Sander told the Daily Mail, "The cloud isn't secure, Apple's cloud isn't any more or less secure than any other, and those photos weren't any more or less locked down than others. The problem is any system is only as strong as its weakest password."

Following the unauthorized leak of her nude photographs, Lawrence called the hack as a "sex crime."

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