‘The Flash': Ezra Miller's Costume Unveiled

| Sep 04, 2015 04:54 AM EDT

Ezra Miller will play The Flash in DC films.

Ezra Miller has revealed some details on how his character The Flash will look in the upcoming DC films.

DCEU Feed tweeted on its official Twitter account that Miller will be sporting a post-apocalyptic suit as The Flash in his upcoming superhero films. In addition, the actor is set to have a ripped body, in contrary to the bulky physique like Henry Cavill's Superman, Ben Affleck's Batman, and Jason Momoa's Aquaman. It was also revealed that Miller will maintain his long her as he portrays Barry Allen in the films.

According to Geek Tyrant, Miller's "post-apocalyptic" suit entails that it would be probably similar to Cavill's and Affleck's suits, which are dimmer and realistic incarnations of the costumes that the superheroes wore in the DC Comics and television series.

With fans given some thoughts on how The Flash will look like in DC's upcoming films, no other information has been given on how he will emerge in DC's Cinematic universe.

According to Cinema Blend, there is one scene in Zack Snyder's upcoming "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," revealing security footage of a heist, which was halted by a blur. Nonetheless, the scene did not point toward the presence of Miller's The Flash.

Miller will debut his role as the Scarlet Speedster in Snyder's forthcoming film prior to his solo "The Flash" spin-off film three years from now. Along with Cavill, Affleck, and Momoa, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" also stars Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, and Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, among others.

Snyder's "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" is set to premiere in theaters on Mar. 25, 2016 while the solo "The Flash" spin-off film is slated to hit theaters on Mar. 23, 2018.

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