Apple Watch Sells More Than 1M Units In China, Is Wearable Successor Under Way?

| Sep 05, 2015 02:56 AM EDT

Photos of Apple Watch with different band colors.

Released back in May, the Apple Watch has reportedly sold over 1 million units for the Chinese market, or equivalent to a fifth of all purchases made worldwide.

Unfortunately, even that kind of performance can still be considered lackluster on Apple's standards, as reported by Quartz.

Research firm RedTech reported that while the Apple Watch is selling well in China, it does not expect the growth to continue. Spanning the first few months since the Apple smartwatch has been released to the market, there have been 626,000 purchases in China, which is equivalent to about 22% of the total sales in June, which is 2.8 million units.

However, the report stated that the trend should not be seen as a matter of low demand, but low supply for the Apple Watch in China. A supplier in Taiwan reportedly revealed that the orders for the smartwatch's components were lower than expected.

Meanwhile, Apple will reportedly launch a new Apple Watch version, which would be announced at the Apple press event next week.

In the report by 9to5mac, the new Apple Watches will have new 7000 Series Aluminum bands, which are reportedly lighter, but similarly durable to the current stainless steel versions. Paired with the Ion-X glass display, the new aluminum bands will make the Apple Watch 30% lighter than the current versions.

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