Iraqi Teen Confirms Rape, Torture Of Kayla Mueller By IS Leader

| Sep 10, 2015 12:00 AM EDT

Kayla Mueller

A day after Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie sought international action on mass rape committed by the Islamic State (IS), an Iraqi teen confirmed that American volunteer Kayla Mueller was repeatedly raped and tortured by her captors.

The New York Post reports that the 16-year-old and Mueller shared not only a cell but also a husband,  lS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. CNN identified the Iraqi teen as "Zeinat," who recounted that she planned their escape, but Mueller balked for fear of being beheaded if caught by the IS.

Zeinat, who was captured near Mount Sinjar in Iraq, successfully escaped after 10 weeks of captivity, while Mueller died in the hands of IS, although until now the manner of her death is still unclear. While the IS claims that the aid worker was killed by a coalition air strike in Syria on Feb. 10, the IS sent to Mueller's family photos of her corpse. Mueller was tortured and became the wife of al-Baghdadi, the IS told her parents.

Zeinat said she considers Mueller like a sister. She described their prison cell as dark with no electricity. During summer, it was so hot. They were fed small portions of bread and cheese in the morning and rice or macaroni at night.

The two women moved to a bigger house when al-Baghdadi took them as his wives. He threatened Mueller that he would kill her if she would refuse to marry him. He raped Mueller four times, according to Zeinat. He raped Mueller at the house of his deputy, Abu Sayaff, where he kept the two women for fear of reprisal from his other wives that he married Mueller and Zeinat, reports Mirror.

They were also made to watch a video of the beheading of an American journalist and threatened to be decapitated if they don't convert to Islam. While Zeinat escaped through a small window and was reunited with her family in Iraq, she found out that her three sisters have been captured by the IS, while their father is missing and presumed dead.

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