'Deadpool' Film Sequel To Include X-Men Mutant Cable?

| Sep 16, 2015 01:54 AM EDT

Cable was originally included in Bryan Singer's "X-Men: Days of Future Past."

Marvel's mutant Cable could appear in the sequel of Tim Miller's "Deadpool."

In his interview with Collider, "Deadpool" producer Simon Kinberg said that Cable's potential inclusion in "Deadpool 2" had been a topic at one point during the discussions on Bryan Singer's "X-Men: Days of Future Past." Kinberg added that "Deadpool 2" is still in its early phase of development that he could not reveal at this point if Cable would share the big screen with the Merc with the Mouth in the sequel.

Created by Louise Simonson and Rob Liefield, Cable is the son of Scott Summers, also known as Cyclops, and Madelyn Pryor, Jean Grey's clone, in the comic book storyline. The conflict with Cable is he was born with a technovirus, so he was sent into the future as an attempt to find a cure for his disease.

Given his ability to travel through time, he could have fitted in Singer's "X-Men: Days of Future Past," as per Cinema Blend. However, the idea did not actualize. Since there was a twist in the timeline in "X-Men: Days of Future Past," one possibility is that Cable could have traveled with Wolverine at one point in the film's storyline.

Cable could appear in Marvel's "X-Men: The New Mutants," since he debuted in the comic book "The New Mutants #87" in Mar. 1990. The character was made to serve as the new leader for the New Mutants. In contrary to the mental capacities of Charles Xavier, also known as Professor X, Cable is called a "man of action," suggesting that he is more on a physical fighter.

With Deadpool being a lone fighter in Miller's film, Cable's inclusion could enhance the film's storyline as well as Marvel's expansion of its Cinematic Universe.

"Deadpool" features Wilson's origin story, as a former member of the Special Forces who became a subject in an experiment to become a superhero. Ryan Reynolds will play Deadpool, also known as the Merc with the Mouth. The film also stars Morena Baccarin, Gina Carano, Brianna Hildebrand, Ed Skrein, and T.J. Miller, among others.

Miller's "Deadpool" is set to premiere in theaters in the United States on Feb. 12, 2016 while the release date for "Deadpool 2" is yet to be revealed. Watch the red band trailer here:

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