'The Last Of Us 2' News: Game Developer Confirmed Sequel In The Works; Naughty Dog To Handle 'Half-Life' Game License?

| Sep 16, 2015 05:08 AM EDT

The Last of Us is an action-adventure survival horror game developed by Naughty Dog and publish by Sony Computer Entertainment.

Naughty Dog has some new updates regarding the rumored "The Last of Us 2" video game and the inquiry of "Half-Life's" game license.

It was during a livestream panel for the "Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection" that Naughty Dog developer Josh Scherr "accidentally" hinted a possible sequel for "The Last of Us" sequel is in the works, when the discussion of first game was brought into play along with his co-developers Eric Monacelli and Eric Baldwin.

Although it is not clear whether Scherr made a mistake on his part or simply just playing around with the viewers, "The Last of Us" was mentioned and several gaming fans begin to wonder that Naughty Dog is planning big soon and it is safe to assume "The Last of Us 2" could be that big project, Gamerant reported.

This is not the first time that "The Last of Us 2" was "accidently" menitoned by someone as David's voice actor Nolan North blatantly confirmed that a sequel will be in the works during a Q&A session at MetroCon several months ago. Naughty Dog neither clarrified or denied North's claim's as the game developer's put "The Last of Us 2" on hold in order to finish developing "Unchated 4: A Thief's End".

However, North's co-voice actor Troy Barker stated that he has no idea that a sequel for "The Last of Us" is in the works which severely contradics what North had said in the past months or that Barker was ignorant at the time.

Another hint for "The Last of Us 2" possible development is also found in senior character artist Michael Knowland's LinkedIn page, were he is working on severaly prototype head sculpts for the sequel.

In other news, Naughty Dog is also trying to buy the rights of the "Half-Life" game license from Valve.

"The Last of Us" game director Neil Druckmann has express his interest in trying to develope a "Haft-Life" game as rumors of a third installment is secretly in the works.

Gaming fans are worried that Valve might give in to Naugthy Dog as sell the "Half-Life's" rights to them, VG24/7 reported.

Druckmann also tweeted a photo of actress Merle Dandridge who is known for her role as Alys Vance in "Half-Life" and Marlene in "The Last of Us", hinting that he wanted to game badly.

So far, Valve has not yet made any statements regarding Naughty Dog's inquiry on the "Half-Life" games.

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