New Yorker Films UFO Allegedly Morphing Into Different Shapes

| Sep 16, 2015 11:41 PM EDT

Morph-changing UFO

The Big Apple or New York City is apparently a good place to wait for UFO sightings. In the last three consecutive days, there had been reports from various UFO sites of alien objects that latest of which was one that morphed into various shapes.

Express reports that the phenomenon was observed by New York-based Shea Magazine owner Tony Shea, who spotted that at 5 a.m. a strange round object in the sky which he initially thought was the reflection of his computer located near the window.

However, he felt something strange like a "strange presence" watching over him, similar to a beam coming through the window. Shea got his camera and filmed the UFO apparently changing shapes from a flaming ball to a fiery triangle then a planet, molecule, an angular shape, jellyfish and cells under a microscope.

Shea is aware that many people would dismiss what he saw as not UFOs but having a reasonable explanation such as meteors, faraway planets or nuclear explosions in space. He even thought it was Venus, Jupiter or Mars which could be seen in September in eastern skies.

However, Shea admits he was sleep-deprived at that time since he woke up at 2 a.m. and could no longer return to slumber land.  

Those who had seen his video, posted on YouTube, gave their two cents' worth. Some said his camera lens created only optical illusions, while Sandy Asher quoted a common friend, named Professor Marc Cooper, that it was the planet Venus.

In comments to the YouTube posting, NJK opined it could be holographic, while Joel Hernandez thinks it could be a comet headed for Earth. But bbachir99 dismissed the video clip as a "Bs video."

But for UFO Sightings Daily editor Scott Waring, it was an extraterrestrial being. He explains, "These shape shifting UFO are seen around the world, but most often around July and August of every year. They are marked by the bumps on them that change positions and by the microbe-like appearance."

He adds, "This is a living entity that is observing the people below."

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