Merseyside Resident Films Diamond-Shaped UFO

| Sep 19, 2015 07:47 AM EDT

North Carolina UFO

A resident of Merseyside saw on Friday a diamond-shaped object that pulsated and became brighter and bigger while flying over the sky. The resident, Matthew Oliver, captured the image and posted it on YouTube.

"It caught my eye as it was shining very brightly through my bedroom window and as I watched it began to gradually dim then slowly increase again in intensity as if on a dimmer switch," quotes Mirror. Oliver says the UFO was incredibly large and a lot bigger than any star he has seen.

While zooming in on the UFO from his attic window, he noticed the object was not circular in shaped and was apparently pulsating at the center.

Meanwhile, Openminds.TV reported on Thursday that a witness provided to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) footage of a bright, circular object traveling in North Carolina skies. The incident happened on May 20 and was entered as MUFON Case 65773.

The witness was sitting on a deck when he noticed the bright object at 1:30 p.m. He shares, "I sat and watched for a period of approximately five minutes. During this time the subject moved left and then moved right past the original spot, and then back to center. I first thought balloon, but concluded it was not based upon movement."

He went inside his house to get a video camera and brought two people who also witnessed the phenomenon. By this time, the UFO had changed location. The witness, a former Navy meteorologist, said the object did not show characteristics of a plane or balloon. He added there are no weather stations in Lenoir that he is aware of.

After a while, the UFO was gone. The witness adds, "After observing and recording the object, I was certain this was something outside of the normal. This filled me with excitement at having been looking in the right place at the right time."

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