MUST-WATCH: Little Girl’s Heartfelt Lecture to Divorced Parents - True Eye-Opener!

| Sep 21, 2015 10:34 AM EDT

Little Girl Wants Divorced Parents to Get Along

Sometimes all that parents need to hear is what's inside their child's heart. An adorable six-year-old girl is melting the hearts of millions of people with her request to her divorced parents to get along.

Tiana expressed herself in the simplest and truest way, telling her mom Sherry to be friends with her dad. She told her mom she doesn't want them to be replaced and to be mean people.

The little girl also said that she's not trying to be mean but she just wants everyone to be friends. Buzzfeed transcribed the girl's cute monologue and reported that Tiana wants all people to be smiling.

As for her parents, the sweet child thinks that her parents can take their mean heights down.

According to Daily Mail, Tiana also believes that if she can be nice, then everyone can be nice as well as her only wish is for everything to be as good as possible.

After her moving speech, she gives her mom a hug and a kiss.

Sherry said that Tiana's message brought her to tears and really gave her the wake-up call she needed. The single mom, who is currently juggling two jobs, has received tons of messages from people who have watched the video.

Since Sherry is not able to reply to all the kind words being sent their way, she created a Facebook page where you can send a message to Tiana.

As of this posting, the video has already reached more than 8.7 million views! Tiana's advice has been an eye-opener to many and it comes as no surprise that her wise words are continuously being spread across the globe.

Watch the touching video below!

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