Biography Claims David Cameron Placed Genitals Inside Dead Pig’s Mouth As Part Of Frat Ritual

| Sep 22, 2015 02:38 AM EDT

Pig's head

A new biography by journalist Isabel Oakeshott and Lord Ashcroft, former deputy chairman of the UK Conservative Party, about British Prime Minister David Cameron is causing embarrassment to Downing Street.

Times of India reports that the biography, "Call Me Dave," says that the young David was a member of the Piers Gaveston Society as an Oxford University student. The society, notorious for "bizarre ritual and sexual excess," led to Cameron allegedly once placing his genitals inside the mouth of a dead pig.

Cameron allegedly told the incident to a friend. He denied being a member of the society, although Cameron refused to dignify the incident that the young David allegedly confided to a fellow Oxford student who is now an MP.

The MP said he was not witness to the incident and is open to the possibility that it is a case of mistaken identity. The book is scheduled to be published in October.

Valentine Guinness, a member of the society, confirmed that Cameron was not a member and found the story ridiculous. But he adds that young David could have attended a party of the society.

Daily Mail cited an excerpt from the upcoming book, which reads: "His extraordinary suggestion is that the future PM inserted a private part of his anatomy into the animal's mouth." There is reportedly a photo of the incident.

Other potentially embarrassing claims in the book are that young David smoked marijuana with friends and permitted cocaine in his house in London. However, these "bombs" against Cameron could be Lord Ashcroft's way of getting back at Cameron who allegedly reneged on his promise to give the former deputy chairman a top job in government if he becomes PM, which happened in 2010.

Time calls the claim Pig-Gate Scandal, which it said would stick with Cameron. The magazine notes the incident's similarity with the plot of a TV drama, "Black Mirror," in which the PM, described as "Cameronesque" is forced to have sex with a pig on live television to stop the killing of a princess held hostage.

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