California Resident Reports Dark UFO Triangle Sighting Over Livermore Highway

| Sep 23, 2015 04:53 AM EDT

UFO Triangle

A California resident claimed seeing a big, dark triangle UFO that flew overhead and quickly disappeared over Livermore Highway.

Listed as Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Case 70520, the witness narrated that she and her boyfriend were traveling along I-680 at about 11 p.m. on Sept. 14. After they passed the 84 exit, she observed the UFO.

"Sitting in the passenger seat I noticed bright lights, red, blue and lots of white .... I leaned forward and started to observe it for a quick second noticing the craft was 3-D like and triangular in shape. The white lights outlined the shape of the craft," quotes the witness.

She leaned back and made a quick glance at her boyfriend whom she noticed was also staring at the UFO. The object blinked thrice and she thought it would blink a fourth time, but the light disappeared instead.

Her boyfriend was too afraid to drive under the UFO, but when they finally got home, they drew a sketch of what they saw because it was hard to describe it. "I've never seen anything like it. It's like paper overlapping paper," the witness adds.

Meanwhile, Daily Mail reports that MUFON researchers have not been able to identify a UFO that a male witness filmed in April flying over Port Jefferson in New York City.

Marc Dantonio, MUFON chief photo and video analyst, said there is no reliable way to determine the UFO's range, presenting the network a problem on how to determine its nature. Dantonio believes it is a drone.

MUFON field investigator Joseph Flammer agrees with Dantonio's assessment based on the fly level of the object which is typical of a craft flying at night. But despite the presence of airports in the area, he rules out jets.

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