Women Kick Shuttlecock During Freeway Traffic Jam

| Dec 23, 2013 09:04 AM EST

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On December 22nd 2013, there have been a series of car accidents happening on the Xianning section of the G4 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway on account of weather.

Due to the dense fog, passengers were caught in the freeway traffic jam. In order to kill time, a number of women from Wuhan exited vehicles and gathered surrounding passengers to engage in a game of shuttlecock together.

According to public posts on Weibo.com, there had been a serious traffic jam on the Xianning section of the G4 Beijing - Hong Kong - Macau Expressway. Some were trapped in the traffic jam for nearly five hours.

Several aunts and uncles, who came from Wuhan to Xianning for the hot springs, got off the vehicles and began kicking a shuttlecock to kill time. They also asked surrounding drivers to get off their vehicles and join them. They kept kicking shuttlecock for hours until the traffic began to move again.

The traffic police explained that fog occurred in the early morning and caused several vehicle crashes, which resulted in the traffic jam on the Xianning section of G4 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway.  It was not until the noon of that day when the traffic resumed. 

Shuttlecock, also called a bird or a birdie, is primarily known to the west as a projectile used for the game of badminton. However, another variety of shuttlecock, called Jiànzi in Chinese, requires players to keep the heavily weighted shuttlecock in the air using any part of their bodies except for their hands (such rules are quite similar to that of soccer). 

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