Chinese Netizens Embrace "Man Hit By Electric Bicycle"

| Dec 24, 2013 12:21 AM EST


After being hit by an electric bicycle, an old man in Shen Yang turned to the bicyclist and assured the young man saying, "Child there's nothing wrong with me. I have health insurance. Now hurry up and go to work."

The video of this incident has received quite a bit of attention due to this man's display of common decency. One netizen told us that they witnessed the accident near the Yellow River on Bai Da Street in Guo Ao New City on the 19th at 9 A.M. It was snowing and the street was slippery when the men riding the electrical bicycle hit the old man.

This surprising online hit in China is telling of the current situation on streets all over China. This is especially occuring in growing cities, where more and more vehicles are added each day. The sentence "I have health insurance, you go," has moved a population which has become so accustomed to increases in traffic accidents, as well as disputes related to said traffic accidents.

Yesterday the old man was tracked down and it was discovered that the 60 year old Mr. Wang did not in fact have health insurance. He makes 1700 RMB per month, which is not insured whatsoever. He said, "At the time of the accident I just wanted to give the bicyclist a way out. So I didn't make a big fuss out of it." Mr. Wang's display of common decency has made him the latest viral video star, in a good way.

To our understanding, because it was a traffic accident the claimant would be unable to file a claim with the insurance company due to the fact that it was the other party's fault and he was liable.

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