First Lady Peng’s Chinese Dream Revealed: Grant All Children Access to Education

| Sep 29, 2015 07:44 AM EDT

Granting education access to all is First Lady Peng Liyuan's Chinese dream.

For Peng Liyuan, China's first lady, her ultimate Chinese dream is to translate her belief "education is about equality" into reality and grant all children access to quality learning experience.

Beyond her being the country's first lady, Peng has been known as a philanthropist, advocating various causes that gear toward societal welfare. In 2014, she became the sixth person and first Chinese to become a UNESCO special envoy.

Education among the youth is one of Peng's top concerns. In fact, the last decade has witnessed how she submitted proposals on how to provide education in far-flung areas, and to promote cyber safety in youth and mental health of AIDS orphans.

According to Peng, giving good education is not only tantamount to imparting knowledge and skills, but also equivalent to helping the youth become responsible citizens.

Years back, Peng has recounted how her father contributed to a small difference in their village when he taught the children how to read. The first lady followed her father's calling as a teacher and became a professor (of music) herself.

Peng has also been adamant in emphasizing her call for more educational resources, especially in poverty-stricken areas. She not only proposed to waive the tuition fees of rural students, she also considered doling out medical subsidies to the children's respective families.

Peng also highlighted that education is vital for women, citing that as a mother, she deeply knows how important learning is for this populace--mothers are the first teachers of their children.

UNESCO director-general Irina Bokova is hopeful that "the voice of Peng can help bring positive changes to China as well as the world and to play a leading role in the effort of promoting education worldwide."

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