Western Media Looks Back on China's 2013

| Dec 30, 2013 09:10 PM EST


In 2013 expensive food goods and their packaging have been on a sharp decline in China, which is one result of the Chinese government's anti-corruption campaign.

One Chinese-Indian reporter from Singapore speaks of China's three pressure points for discussion in 2013.

1. The new leadership dealing a severe blow to corruption, exposing both social and official corruption.

2. "The Pacific is not peaceful" which has already entered into mainstream dialogue, as there is now talk of a Chinese/Japanese, Chinese/American war.

3. China is an extremely polluted environment, especially the obscene smog problems.

American website "Quartz" said that 2013 will be known as "China's killer haze and air mask year." It also noted that new social media and its effect on society especially the way we discuss problems is noteworthy for 2013. This relatively new social media has given us the induction of new vocabulary, for example "tu hao" (in Chinese) which means "vulgar, new rich," a phrase which may be working it's way into dictionaries soon.

The Daily Beast declares that this year has been a banner year for Chinese technology as China has become one of the few countries which has successfully landed on the moon. Other news agencies such as The Huffington Post absolutely gush over Chinese economic numbers and rapid development comparing it to "works of fiction."

ABC news however, says that if China wants to continue to develop, it must gather real strength outside its own borders but to be mindful of neighboring countries, as well as their own people's hopes, in 2014.

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