"Despicable Me 2" Graces Mainland Screens

| Jan 02, 2014 09:21 AM EST

Deng Chao is giving the vocie for Gru in Despicable Me 2.jpg

Universal's iconic animated comedy film "Despicable Me 2" graced mainland screens Jan. 10 with yet another welcome surprise: Chinese actor Deng Chao's voice giving life to the main character, Gru. The film is a sequel to "Despicable Me," a 2010 smash hit that tells the story of a reformed super villain named Gru.

In "Despicable Me 2," Gru embraces domesticated life  with his three adopted girls, Margo, Edith and little Agnes. He gives up his nefarious activities to venture into a start-up business making jelly and jam. He flatly turns down a critical mission order from the Anti-Villain League saying, "I am now a father!"

Film producers deemed Deng Chao as the best person to give voice to Gru, being a father himself. "On one hand, Deng Chao has various acting experiences. He has given voices in films before. On the other hand, Deng Chao is a father himself and the film will resonate with him," the producers explained.

"I like Gru's personality. He is not strictly a good person. However, he is nice and warm-hearted," said Deng Chao. 

Universal's leaders were quite satisfied with Deng Chao's voice and expressed hope for more opportunities to work with him in future.

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