Neighbors Weigh China's Boundaries at Sea

| Jan 12, 2014 08:26 PM EST


The Hainan County Standing Committee for the People's Republic of China has passed a new legislation called "The Hainan County Fishing Industry Law" which spells out procedures to be observed within Hainan's maritime jurisdiction.

The new law, passed during the committee's fifth meeting, mandates all foreigners and foreign fishing vessels that enter Hainan's jurisdiction to fish or engage in any business related to the fishing industry to undergo a verification process, and to secure permission from the proper authorities.

The South China Sea covers 3,500,000 kilometers, of which two million kilometers will be covered by this law. 

This area has the world's busiest navigation routes and is incredibly rich in marine resources. Also lying within this territory are islands being claimed by the Philippines and Vietnam. 

"Such a vast expansion by China in this way is basically impossible to accept. This law emphasizes China's demand of territory from foreign countries," an anonymous expert was quoted as saying.

The Hainan fishing legislation comes on the heels of a Nov. 2013 Air Defense Identification Zone which China had set up over air space covering the East China Sea, a move which drew serious protests from Japan as the zone includes the Senkaku Islands, or Diaoyu Islands, which both countries are laying claim to.

A member of the South East Asian Social Research Center says of the new fishing legislation: "Right now the plan is still in the abstract. Just the principle idea is drawn out. Afterwards there has to be detailed attention to perfecting the zone in accordance to the law and in regards to protecting our jurisdiction at sea."

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