Kink.com’s ‘Star Trek’ Porn Parody Feature Alien Sex Robot [NSFW]

| Oct 04, 2015 03:40 AM EDT


The porn industry is fast to ride on the hot issue of intelligent sex robots amid talks that thousands of orders have been made for an sex robot with artificial intelligence (AI) and calls by a group to ban the use of AI for making sex toys.

Gizmondo reports that Kink.com has produced a porn parody of "Star Trek." Titled "Star Trek: The Next Penetration" the movie is produced by one of the most prolific online porn studios in San Francisco. Housed at the Armory building, the studio have a lot of sites exclusively used to shoot fantasies, kinky sex and BSDM.

The movie's star is Ingrid Mouth who wrote the script. It was based on her fantasies about a "sentient android" named Data. Ingrid, who plays an alien from a planet which considers fully functional androids like Data as the sexual ideal, stowed away on the Enterprise. Her mission was to reprogram Data's objective.

Data, played by Wolf Hudson, is capable of processing and applying information from thousands of cultures' sex histories. He does it so quickly that he could pick up a partner's subtle body language and figure out the best sexual response.

Gizmondo visited the set and found interesting conversations among the movie crew such as if Ingrid's bra should light up and would men be able to remove it fast enough. The solution was to change it with a "more rippable piece of lingerie."

While Data and Ingrid were having sex, three characters - Picard, Worf and a man in a blue shirt - walk in to interrogate Ingrid about her true mission. Ingrid replies with an android voice, "It may interest you to know, sir, that in many cultures group sex is considered a pleasurable bonding experience."

The web site notes that making porn in the 2010s is a lot safer because of the mandatory testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases every two weeks.

The porn parody is available online at Kink.com for $17.17. Sex fantasies like "Star Trek: The Next Penetration" would become more common as sex with robots will become a reality by 2050, according to author David Levy who wrote "Love and Sex and Robots," reports News.com.au.

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