Report: China 'Exporting' Smog to the U.S.

| Jan 21, 2014 08:07 PM EST


A new report from the American Academy of Sciences claims that smog, made in China, can drift across the Pacific and reach the western shores of the U.S.

The report is a collaboration between The University of California and Beijing University, headed by Professor Lin Jin Tai, in conjunction with a small group of American researchers.

According to the report, smog, from China's mass production of goods, sometimes lands in California, Washington state and Oregon, constituting 25% of the overall air pollution in the area.

Associate Professor Davis from the University of California notes that while America has exported many of its pollution producing industries overseas, it is now on the receiving end of this pollution. The report points out, however, that only 22% of China's carbon emissions and 17% of its charcoal emissions are a result of export manufacturing.

Coal emissions receive the most attention from environmentalists as they can stay airborne longer, are not easily brought down by rain, and can travel long distances. Coal emissions also cause cancer, heart disease, lung disease and asthma.

However, the head of the Chinese environmental association, Wang Wen Xing, an engineering academic, says that due to China's Topography and prevailing winds, pollution produced in China rarely makes its way to the Korean Peninsula or Japan, therefore any pollution that reaches American shores is extremely limited.

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