Nigerian Navy Arrested 22 Chinese for Entering Nigeria Illegally

| Mar 19, 2014 09:23 PM EDT

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March 19th, Nigerian Navy confirms that they have arrested 22 Chinese who entered Nigeria illegally by water.

The Commander of the Nigeria Navy Ship "Pathfinder", Commodore Godwin Ochai told reporters of Xinhua press agency that the Nigerian Navy arrested four ships and 22 Asians on March 18th. These Asians were confirmed to be Chinese. They are suspected of entering Nigeria's territorial waters illegally. Now, Nigeria Navy has handed over the 22 suspected illegal immigrants to the Nigeria Immigration Service and the State Department of Fisheries.

Commander Commodore Godwin Ochai told Xinhua press agency these 22 Asians are Chinese.

According to Chinese Consulate in Nigeria, Lagos, these 22 Chinese are employees of Swan Fishing Firm, a Chinese-Nigerian joint venture in Nigeria. They all have legal passports. But their visas have expired, so it is illegal for these Chinese to stay in Nigeria. 

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