Crew From Chinese Cargo Ship Missing Near Hong Kong Waters

| May 13, 2014 08:04 PM EDT


Sea accidents are the most trending news all over the world, another tragic event struck outside the waters of Hong Kong today when a Chinese cargo ship as it collides with a container vessel which leaves Twelve of its crew remain missing.

According to what the spokesman of a fire department reported to authorities, the collision manifested early morning at the Po Toi Island, near Hong Kong's territory.
A police spokeswoman shared to the authority "Two cargo ships collided and one of them sank,".

She also added "Later one male was rescued and was sent to the hospital,"describing the later rescue being conducted by a search team to find other crew members who are still missing. 

Unluckily, one of the spokesman of the fire department breaks a bad news to AFP saying "There are 12 people missing,"which described crews from Chinese cargo ship that made a collision with the container vessel. 

Also the fire department spokesperson shared that the accident transpired three miles south of Poi Toi Island, outside the maritime territory of Hong Kong.
This accident happens because of over crowded Hong Kong's water. About hundreds of container vessels made their shipping routes, back and forth Hong Kong's territory everyday.

Way back in October 2012, this kind of collision happened between a high-speed ferry and leisure boat who killed 39 lives and it was the most disastrous maritime tragedy ever happen for almost 40 years.

This incident jolt Asian financial club who is considered the most busiest port and claimed that their port is the safest port for all ferries because of their good record.

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