Emma Watson Unfazed by Nude Photo Threats

| Sep 24, 2014 05:43 PM EDT


Despite the news that Harry Potter star Emma Watson is being targeted by hackers, saying that nude photos of the actress will be leaked in the next four days, the actress seems to be unfazed by their threats.

Watson, who has gained popularity by starring as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series, has taken to Twitter to give what seems to be her response to the threats last Tuesday, saying, "I hope we can all finally change laws and mentalities in order to establish what is nothing more than common sense."

Recently, Watson has delivered a speech about the feminist movement, urging men to stand up for women who are being oppressed around the world. Watson's advocacy seems to have angered the hackers on 4chan which is supposedly the source of the numerous leaked photos of more than a hundred female celebs.

Speculations say that the hackers' aim is to get back at the actress in a form of a smear campaign by setting up a countdown website that they have entitled EmmaYouAreNext. Said forum's members have threatened to expose nude photos of the actress within the next four days.

Other than the threats from the forum, #RIPEmmaWatson has been trending on Twitter along with Photoshopped pictures of news websites suggesting that the 24-year old actress has died. The death hoax is speculated to be the work of the hackers as well.

On a side note, Watson also came to the defense of her friend and fellow actress Jennifer Lawrence, who, earlier this month, was also victimized by the hacking scandal and has confirmed the authenticity of the photos.

Once again, the Harry Potter actress posted on her Twitter account, slamming the lack of empathy on the part of the people who are commenting about the issue.

Despite the threats that are being thrown at Watson, fellow artists of the actress showed their support through social networking services, commending the actress for her speech and jumping on the bandwagon to support the 'HeforShe' movement that UN Women is promoting.

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