'Half Life 3' Release News: 'Dota 2' Patch Hides Secret 'Half Life' Codes For Co-Op PC, FOV, VR Techniques?

| Oct 13, 2015 09:02 AM EDT

A young man plays Grand Theft Auto IV on the game's day of release on April 29, 2008 in London, England.

"Dota 2" latest patch in the multiplayer version just revealed codes for the upcoming "Half Life 3."

Game fanatics have recently discovered that the latest patch for "Dota 2" contains additional codes that seems to be pointing to the reality of the rumored sequel to "Half Life 3." A number of NeoGAF users recently reported seeing a strange file in the multiplayer version.

"Half Life 3" fans said that the file which is named hl3.txt has some texts that seem to be out-of-place for Dota's system, GitHub reported. The said file contains a portion of details about the suspected co-operative NPC, procedural generation, squad, movements for ziplines, VR movement as well as FOV.

"Dota 2's" distinguished portions of the code match the squad names that carry the information of their nemeses and their turns for attacking on each other, IGN reported. While it is tough to decode and determine what the file truly mean, IGN added the updates all seem substantial, especially because it comes from the game developers.

Meanwhile, other fans say that it is more likely that Valve may only be trolling and the mysterious codes may not mean anything since it was not mentioned in Gabe Newman's official statement earlier.

Valve's co-founder and managing director elusively talked about Half Life 3, stating, "But you know if you want to do another Half-Life game and you want to ignore everything we've learned in shipping Portal 2 and in shipping all the updates on the multiplayer side, that seems like a bad choice."

"Half Life 3's" managing director continued that they will keep moving forward.

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