CW’s ‘The Flash’ Season 2 Episode 2 ‘Flash Of Two Worlds’ Recap: Dr. Stein Reveals Two Earths

| Oct 15, 2015 07:14 AM EDT

Grant Gustin is Barry Allen in CW's "The Flash" Season 2.

There are two Earths in the second episode of CW's "The Flash" Season 2.

According to TV Line, "The Flash" Season 2 Episode 2, which was entitled "Flash of Two Worlds," saw Dr. Stein explained that the existence of two Flash could be feasible with the multiverse theory, which identified Barry Allen's world as "Earth-1" and Jay Garrick's "Earth-2."

In the second episode, Garrick explained to the people that he was the Flash in his world and battled an evil speedster named Zoom, who brought him in Earth-2. Zoom also brought the metahuman Sand Demon from Earth-2 to Earth-1 to kill Allen.

Sand Demon, who managed to escape after his battle with Allen, also kidnapped Officer Patty Spivot. Then, Cisco Ramon analyzed the sand the metahuman had left while Garrick taught Allen how to toss lightning from the energy he could create when he runs.

Ramon managed to find Spivot's location and Allen used the lightning blast to transform Sand Demon's particles to glass. Then, Spivot joined West's metahuman task force while Ramon revealed his newly found ability to Dr. Stein, asking him to keep it as a secret.

Dr. Stein and Ramon managed to locate 52 breaches with the second Earth, which was followed by Dr. Stein falling down unconscious.

Meanwhile, "Starship Troopers" actor Michael Ironside is set to star as Captain Cold's abusive father Lewis Snart in Season 2 Episode 3, which is entitled "Family of Rogues," as per Comic Book.

According to the publication, Allen and the team form allies with Lisa after they find out that Captain Cold has been kidnapped. But then, Allen feels stabbed in the back when he finds out that Snart is working hand in hand with his father Lewis Snart on a robbery. In the meantime, Joe West faces a difficult choice.   

The series stars Sears as Garrick, Carlos Valdes as Ramon, Jesse Martin as West, Adam Copeland as Atom-Smasher, Candice Patton as Iris West, and Grant Gustin as Allen, among others. The cast also includes Keiynan Lonsdale as Wally West, Tom Cavanagh as Dr. Harrison Wells, Rick Cosnett as Eddie Thawne, Danielle Panabaker as Dr. Caitlin Snow.

Jesse Warn's Season 2 Episode 2, which was entitled "Flash of Two Worlds" aired on Oct. 13 while John Showalter's Episode 3, entitled "Family of Rogues" will air on Oct. 20.

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