Palestinians Respond To Cleric’s Call By Posting Video ‘How To Stab A Jew’

| Oct 18, 2015 02:36 AM EDT

Tensions Rise As Further Stabbings Take Place in Israel

Islamic Sheik Muhammad Sallah, in a fiery speech the other Friday and while brandishing a knife, called on Palestinians in East Jerusalem and the West bank to attack Jews in threes and fours and cut them into body parts.

In a five-minute, 23-second video posted on YouTube, Sallah said that Jews built walls not to stop missiles but to prevent their throats from being slit. He challenged Palestinians in the West Bank to "Stab the myths of the Talmud in their minds!"

He pushed West Bank residents to engage in stabbings to lead to a curfew. Sallah added that the Jews would not be sent back to Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine or Poland. He said the Islamic Court, presided by the prophet's companion, Sa'd Ibn Mu'adh, who is now in the streets of Jerusalen, Afula, Tel Aviv and the Negev, has ruled that the Jews are the enemies of humanity.

Sallah ordered young West Bank males to attack in threes and fours, with some restraining the victim and others being the attacker using axes and butcher knives. He delivered the sermon on Oct. 9 at the Al-Abrar Mosque in Rafah.

In response to Sallah's order, terrorists posted videos and manuals that teach Palestinian supporters how to stab a Jew. The manuals provide detailed instructions on how to "inflict the maximum bodily damage" with a knife. It even identifies through anatomical charts the body parts that are vulnerable to knives, reports the New York Post.

The video, titled "Intifada Youth Coalition - Palestine" was posted on its Facebook page that demonstrates how to carry out Sallah's order. The same video was posted on YouTube, but it was removed two weeks ago after Israeli officials complained that it promoted terrorism.

Israeli first aid officials also published a video that instructs Israel citizens how to respond to a stabbing attack.

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