Are Made-In-China Halloween Face Paints Safe To Use?

| Oct 19, 2015 12:21 AM EDT

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Because face paints or cosmetic products are not included in routine checks by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Sen. Chuck Schumer wants the federal government to test Halloween face paints that millions of kids would use, especially those that have made-in-China labels.

Chinese paints and other products tested in the past registered high in lead content and other banned chemicals. The New York Daily news reports that a report from the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, based on tests made by the group, found that 10 face paints have heavy metals, while six contain dangerous chemicals.

"Every Halloween we worry about the candy we're putting in our kids' mouth, but nowadays, we need to worry about the face paint we're putting on our kids' faces," Schumer said on Sunday. He notices that many parents believe that face paints sold are safe, and they are clueless on what is painted on their children's faces for this end-of-October holiday.

The senator points out that while Europe and Canada has banned makeup with lead contents, it is not prohibited in the U.S. He cited makeup palettes from Rubie's Costume Company, Wet N' Wild Fantasy Makers and Fun World as examples of face paints that could contain potentially harmful chemical. Shumer identifies the chemicals are lead, nickel, cobalt and chromium, reports the New York Post.

Children are more vulnerable than adult to lead poisoning, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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