Hell In A Cell : From Bad To Worse For WWE

| Oct 20, 2015 05:13 AM EDT

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

I am not sure if they are doing this on purpose - but WWE have really had a stinker of a past couple of weeks in particular. The WWE was for many growing up bad ass and the epitome of attitude, hence the name the attitude era. 

Those were the days, Triple H in his prime, The Rock in his prime, The Undertaker in his prime and Stone Cold Steve Austin in his prime. As good as those guys were, there was also good 'mid card' talent like Benoit and Jericho. 

No offence is meant to be caused when I describe the two Chris' in such a way - but neither of them were a Stone Cold or a Triple H lets just say. Those were the days, not only because the talent of the roster was amazing - but WWE didn't have the shackles on it like it does today. 

The WWE is going through an identity crisis. Vince and co are just not sure whether to stick or twist shall we say. What I mean by that is that the owner isn't sure whether to go back to attitude era, or keep with the PG stuff. 

I can only think McMahon has decided to go PG due to the fact that the kids market is an appealing one. My theory is that appealing to the kids market helps sell merchandise such as toys and the John Cena power ranger sweat bands. 

It's coming at a cost in today's WWE, just look at Rusev for example. This Bulgarian brute would have really rocked if he would have been in the attitude era - but he has been involved in the most ridiculous story line ever, ever ! 

Russell as we know is very big in presence, instead of using that to their advantage, the WWE decided to put him into a love triangle story. Well played WWE, well played. TV viewership is down, I believe viewership is near to an all time low - but the WWE has agreed a deal so that they will now be shown on ESPN. 

Let's hope that this move by Vince and co can help failing ratings. The main thing that WWE needs to do is let the talent blossom - and there is talent on the roster such as The New Day. Creative please don't ruin their talent with stupid storylines because they're one of the best things going right now in the WWE. 

It might alienate the kids if the WWE 'released the handbrake' and made bookings like the good old days - but I think this is what will attract the viewership back to the WWE. It's halfway there when the broadcasters put warnings in there for child protection, so why not just add a bit more spice to it. 

Vince has to do something as WWE is like a sinking ship right now. 

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