MUST-WATCH Tom Hiddleston and Jessica Chastain Host The Worst Party Ever

| Oct 21, 2015 10:30 AM EDT

Tom Hiddleston and Jessica Chastain Host The Worst Party Ever

Tom Hiddleston and Jessica Chastain organized a "Crimson Peak" after-party and they invited MTV News host Josh Horowitz as their special guest. What happens next is unbelievable.

There's no doubt that Hiddleston and Chastain are two of the best actors in the world and they showed just that when they hosted MTV's "The Party."

The video started with Horowitz receiving an invitation from Hiddleston to an exclusive party. He was specifically instructed not to bring any other guests.

Horowitz was welcomed by his two giddy hosts with big smiles and lots of kisses. One of the funniest parts in the video was when Chastain and Hiddleston alternately smothered Horowitz with kisses! Not to mention that rice cakes were the party's special food!

Hiddleston then called out Freddy, the creepy DJ, to play them some music. The awkward dance moves of Loki were hilarious!

There were a lot of GIF-worthy moments captured by The Mary Sue.

Since the two were acting so weird, Horowitz finally said that he wanted to leave. This made Hiddleston break down as he confided to Chastain that this only confirms that he throws the worst party ever.

Chastain told Horowitz to be sensitive to Hiddleston's feelings as he was trying his best to pull off the best party ever. She said that his negative energy was upsetting the actor.

Hiddleston even had a dramatic, tearful scene wherein he recalled how he was treated as an outcast during the "Avengers" filming.

He said that Mark Ruffalo hid him in a porta potty during the movie's after-party. He added that Chris Hemsworth filled his Loki helmet with Jell-O.

Horowitz finally gave in to the actor's wishes and ended the party dancing with Freddy!

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