Gwyneth Paltrow: Goop Website's Claim Underwire Bras And Breast Cancer Linked Blasted By Medical Experts

| Oct 27, 2015 01:15 PM EDT

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle blog is under fire from medical experts for making the controversial claim in a post that wearing bras can cause breast cancer. A health contributor of the Goop website recently published a Breast Cancer Awareness Month article that revisited the scientifically disregarded theory brassieres are linked to the severe disease's malignant tumors.

The 43-year-old Hollywood star's website posted an almost 2,700-word article by the site's health guru Dr. Habib Sadeghi, which details the possible connection between breast cancer and bras.  However, it has caused  a negative response from the medical community.

Dr. Jennifer Gunter is a San Francisco-based Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB-GYN) specialist. She blasted the blog post, arguing that it lacks scientific evidence.

Gunter told The Huffington Post that such content frightens women. She explained that after people receive a cancer diagnosis they try to figure out the cause, so the "misinformation" in the Goop post could cause women to stress out and lose sleep.

Sadeghi's piece was featured in the site's October 15 newsletter. It references the controversial 1995 book "Dressed to Kill" that states a link between breast cancer and bras, claiming that risk of the disease increased among woman who wore brassieres more than 12 hours daily.   

Sadeghi's article asserts that a tight-fitting bra prevents toxins from being flushed out, thus increasing the risk of cancer. He advised wearing bras less often and removing the underwire from them.

However, the American Cancer Society has revealed that there is no scientific proof that any type of bra is linked to breast cancer, according to Daily Mail. A 2014 study confirmed that no such evidence exists.

Gunter told The Huffington Post that breast cancer is a complex disease. It involves genetics and several risk factors including breast density, obesity, alcohol consumption and radiation exposure, according to The Huffington Post.

In this video Gwyneth Paltrow responds to criticism of her blog/website:

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