China Turns to Cartoons to Instill Socialist Values

| Nov 17, 2014 02:41 AM EST


China is turning to cartoons to promote and inculcate socialist values in its citizens, according to a Women of China report.

The Ministry of Culture has inaugurated a project aiming to provide financial and publicity support to cartoon productions that tackle Chinese traditional culture, the ministry said on Saturday.

The ultimate goal of the campaign is to strengthen the core socialist values of Chinese citizens.

The project includes a contest joined by more than 200 cartoon productions, from which final winners will be selected and given prizes to further their intention of teaching Chinese values.

According to the ministry, all the participating cartoons have been recommended by local cultural authorities.

In choosing the winners, the ministry's focus is on productions that tell revolutionary tales.

With the success of such campaigns as "red tourism" and "red songs," which have made use of popular and accessible formats, the government is utilizing cartoon productions to achieve the same goals targeting an additional demographic.

The central authorities have specified these core socialist values that will give an extra edge to the competing cartoon productions: prosperity, democracy, civility, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotrism, dedication, integrity and friendship.

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