Alipay Allows Chinese Online Shoppers to Experience U.S. Black Friday

| Nov 22, 2014 01:32 AM EST

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Black Friday used to be a celebrated American shopping tradition that has the other part of the world looking on, wishing they could participate. Alipay now makes it possible for interested Chinese shoppers to get their American goodies and gadgets on Black Friday.

China Daily reported that Alipay has teamed up with several high-end retailers in the United States to allow Chinese online shoppers to purchase what they want on American websites using Alipay's ePass.

The growing number of online shoppers in China would certainly find this a great service from Alipay, which is a well-known third-party payment service in China.

Participating retailers include worldwide household brands such as Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdale's, Aeropostale and Macy's, among others. Chinese shoppers even have the option to make their purchases using their local currency, the yuan.

The director of marketing and publications for Alipay U.S. could not be more excited about the prospect.

"Alipay is delighted to partner with Borderfree and Shoprunner to help leading U.S. retailers introduce Black Friday to China and reach out to eager new customers through well-managed localized promotions, direct marketing and social media campaigns," said Rebecca Lui.

Macys, one the participating retailers, is also looking forward to include the Chinese Internet users on this grand online shopping experience.

"With a quickly evolving consumer market and a growing base of sophisticated shoppers, China is a key part of our international e-commerce strategy," Kent Anderson, president of, claimed in a Borderfree statement.

Shoppers need not worry about shipping, too. Chinese online shoppers who want to participate in the Black Friday sale and use Alipay to make their purchases will also be given access to delivery services via the China Smart Logistics (Cainiao) Network for participating U.S. merchants.

Moreover, they do not need to wait a long time to get their hands on their purchases.

"When a customer's complete order has arrived at Alipay's distribution center in the U.S., it will take 10 to 12 business days to get to the customer," clarified Michael DeSimone, CEO of New York-based Borderfree.

Black Friday shopping will be held on Nov. 28, 2014.

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