Carrie Brownstein, Amy Poehler Grant Same-Sex Couple Impromptu Wedding at Book Signing

| Nov 05, 2015 10:34 AM EST

Carrie Brownstein and Amy Poehler officiated a same-sex marriage during a book signing for Brownstein's autobiography "Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl."

Carrie Brownstein and Amy Poehler officiated a same-sex marriage on Nov. 4, Wednesday, during a book signing for Brownstein's autobiography "Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl."

During the forum hosted by Vroman's Bookstore at the Central Presbyterian Church in Pasadena, California, Kendall Oshiro and Genevieve Hernandez asked the "Portlandia" actress if she could administer an impromptu wedding for them, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Brownstein, 41, agreed to grant the couple's request. Oshiro and Hernandez then showed their marriage license to make the occasion legitimate. Likewise, the Sleater-Kinney rocker had the credentials to prove that she was a licensed wedding officiant.

Amy Poehler, who was serving as the moderator for the book signing, chimed in to provide the music and a dose of laughter.

The "Inside Out" voice actress gave Oshiro and Hernandez a bouquet out of the stage's flowery layout. Poehler then played a portion of "Greensleeves" on the piano which resulted in cheers from the audience.

On the other hand, Brownstein admitted that she decided to become an ordained minister for her to handle her friend's upcoming marriage in several weeks. The writer also expressed that the marriage between Oshiro and Hernandez would be the singer's first officiating experience.

Brownstein provided a heartfelt speech despite the suddenness of the event. "We root for the two of you to make each other feel the biggest, strongest, most special you've ever felt," the musician proclaimed.

At the book signing, the punk performer explained that the title of her book originated from the Sleater-Kinney song "Modern Girl" which had the line "hunger makes me a modern girl," according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The memoir reveals Brownstein's appetite not just for food, but for desire, compassion and the necessity to understand the world.

Brownstein's book tour for her memoir called "Hunger Makes Me A Modern Girl" began on Oct. 27 and will culminate on Nov. 17 in Toronto, Canada.

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