Concern with Grooming Growing Among Chinese Men: Study

| Nov 25, 2014 11:47 PM EST


A report by a U.K.-based research firm released on Tuesday said that facial care products for men are becoming a driving force for the whole cosmetics industry in China, according to a China Daily report.

Mintel Group said that while presently only 4 percent of the products are designed for men, that share rose at a compound annual rate of 201.1 between 2009 and 2014.

The rise is nearly double the growth of the facial products for men, according to the report, and it is expected to continue, making the rate grow to 15.4 billion yuan by 2019, or almost double its current value.

According to Mintel, the growth has been sparked by Chinese men's burgeoning awareness of grooming, a stressful lifestyle in the city and concerns about the condition of the environment.

The report revealed the three most used products by Chinese to be facial cleansers, shampoos and other shower commodities.

"Compared with our older generation, the culture and environment is totally different. Skin care is not only a women's preserve. You are more comfortable and confident when you have clean and healthy skin," remarked 28-year-old Tony Chen, who is an employee at a multinational firm in Shanghai.

In contrast to French men, whose top consumption is shaving products, Chinese men favor cleanliness, said Jean Philippine Benoist, general manager of GED Co, which brought men's skin care line ZIRH to China this year.

"In France, many men believe that skin care products are for women . . . but in some Asian countries, such as China, South Korea, the adoption is faster," he said.

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