Schools to Observe Dec. 4 Constitution Day, Says Circular

| Nov 27, 2014 04:38 AM EST


China's Ministry of Education has issued a circular directing students across the country to read the nation's Constitution on Dec. 4, the first National Constitution Day, Xinhua reported.

As per decision adopted at the bi-monthly session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, it has been decided that Dec. 4 of every year will be marked and celebrated as National Constitution Day.

China's Constitution was ratified and adopted by the nation's legislature on Dec. 4, 1982. The document itself was based on a previous version of the nation's charter that was enacted in 1954.

Constitution Day is to be observed to enhance social awareness of the Constitution, promote its spirit, and strengthen its implementation, according to the Standing Committee's decision. Fully implementing the Constitution is the primary task and basic work for building a socialist nation ruled by law, it added. Nationwide activities to promote the Constitution are enjoined to be held on the day.

The Ministry of Education's circular, consistent with the directive from China's top legislature, has instructed students to read the Constitution on the morning of Dec. 4. It will also be establishing a long-term plan to teach and promote the Constitution among students.

Where conditions already allow, the Constitution will be included among the subjects to be covered in the entrance examinations for junior schools, according to the circular. Prospectively, new textbooks on the Constitution will also be written for primary and high schools.

Aside from students, teachers and education officials, other segments of China's society are also enjoined to observe Constitution Day. As set in the legislature's decision, "people of all ethnic groups, all state organs and armed forces, political parties as well as all social organizations, enterprises and institutions must set the Constitution as their fundamental principle and hold responsibilities of safeguarding the dignity of the Constitution and ensuring its implementation."

It adds: "No organization or individual shall have the privilege of being placed above the Constitution and laws. All activities that violate the Constitution and laws must be reprimanded and rectified."

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