Parallel Universes Could Exist: Scientists Discover New Evidence

| Nov 08, 2015 06:20 AM EST

The microwave sky as seen by Planck. This multi-frequency all-sky image of the microwave sky has been composed using data from Planck covering the electromagnetic spectrum from 30 GHz to 857 GHz.

A new study reveals proof that an alternate and parallel universe exists, based on a new study by a cosmologist from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). 

According to Ranga-Ram Chary there appears to be evidence of "cosmic bruising" or the colliding of another universe to another that could be identified as an anomaly that he found in the cosmic microwave background map.

The cosmic microwave background is a considered as a remnant after the Big Bang event, where it consists of new light that was created from the colliding, chaotic forces from the birth of the new universe.

Using the data from the European Space Agency's Planck Telescope, Chary created this map to present this cosmic event where he compared his map to the entire map of the entire night sky of Earth's, in which he shortly discovered a blob that is made from bright light.

These bursts of ancient light have always been observed from the cosmic microwave background as scientists have now utilized these light signatures in order to identify the origins of radiation in the universe. These traces of radiation have been linked to Big Bang event, where they are possibly the first light formed in the universe, some 100,000 years following the Big Bang.

Researchers also believe that this ancient light most likely formed during a recombination event during a phenomenon when protons and electrons combined for the first time ever to create the first hydrogen molecules in the universe.

Since hydrogen can only project a limited range of light, scientists determined specific colors from the ancient blobs that was observed in the cosmic background. However, for Chary's model background, this blob is made from a different color from what is expected where he explains this phenomenon by multiverse theory.

He adds that our universe could be a simple region with an eternally inflating super region. The multiverse theory involves the continuous expansion of the universe that created various energy pockets that are expanding at a much faster rate, creating other pocket universes on their own. 

Other scientists believe that this cosmic inflation theory or the ancient universe as rapidly expanding can lead to the possibility of a multiverse. This new study is published in the Astrophysical Journal.

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