BioWare Unleashes New ‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ Trailer; Will Commander Shepard Stay?

| Nov 11, 2015 07:01 AM EST

BioWare has released a new trailer for the upcoming "Mass Effect: Andromeda."

BioWare released a new trailer for the upcoming "Mass Effect: Andromeda" that suggests that the video game franchise's Commander Shepard would be leaving the journey.

The Canadian game developer recently celebrated N7 Day with "Mass Effect" fans around the world on Nov. 7, Saturday.

One of the surprises BioWare delivered was a short but dramatic trailer for the forthcoming installment of "Mass Effect," according to Mashable.

In the trailer, real footage of space rocket launches, astronauts and space missions are displayed as the female voice of Shepard sends a final message.

Voiced by Canadian-American actress Jessica Hale, the female Shepard reminds the viewer that the next adventure would no longer be about the commander, according to Den of Geeks.

The trailer notes that the new explorer would be the "Mass Effect: Andromeda" player as Shepard's space journey comes to an end. Players are deemed as adventurers who traverse the unknown universe to relieve the unstoppable curiosity and to prevent wishful thinking.

"This is Commander Shepard, signing off," the human protagonist for "Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3" said.

However, the N7 Day trailer also had the famed character reminding the viewer that wherever a player decides to go, the commander would always be there.

The story of "Mass Effect: Andromeda" will take place in the Andromeda Galaxy and after all of the events that occurred in the three main "Mass Effect" games.

Meanwhile, the next chapter in the "Mass Effect" franchise utilizes Swedish game developer DICE's Frostbite 3 game engine.

The third-person shooter game will be published by Electronic Arts and would be released for Microsoft Windows, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Officially announced back on June 15 at the E3 press conference, "Mass Effect: Andromeda" is set to be released by BioWare in the last quarter of next year.

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