EA Hopes to Sell 10 Million ‘Star Wars Battlefront’ Game Copies; ‘Star Wars’ Blooper Appears in Game

| Nov 24, 2015 06:50 AM EST

EA is likely to sell about 10 million copies of the recently launched "Star Wars Battlefront" game.

EA is likely to sell about 10 million copies of the recently launched "Star Wars Battlefront" game that included a scene honoring an infamous blooper in the "Star Wars" movies.

The game publisher and developer told the investors that the sales of the "Star Wars" game could reach up to 13 million copies throughout its lifetime.

However, the expensive $50 DLC can affect the initial reception toward the shooter game since the loaded additional content reveals how "Star Wars Battlefront" has little to offer with the base content alone, according to Forbes.

Other games such as the massively popular Bethesda game "Fallout 4" and the recent "The Witcher" installment also had pricey DLCs, but the case of "Star Wars" is peculiar since players are left feeling that about half of the game would require people to shell out an additional $50.

Despite the criticism toward to the DLC, the appeal of the "Star Wars" franchise would significantly help EA reach the goal of selling as much as 13 million copies.

One factor that could negatively affect the future sales of the game is that "Star Wars Battlefront" currently does not have a record-breaking number of players simultaneously online.

The game has been tracked by a third party site and revealed that more than 188,000 players were in the game using the PlayStation 4. Xbox One and PC, on the other hand, only delivered about 113,000 and 48,000 players. While the numbers are in the hundreds of thousands, EA has yet to reveal the company's delight at the reception.

Some reports have shown astonishment at the news of PS4 players dominating in "Star Wars Battlefront" in terms of player quantity, but the player base information only complements the fact that at least 30 million PS4 consoles have been sold in past couple of years while Microsoft has only sold up to 20 million copies.

In other news, players can enjoy a small easter egg contained in "Star Wars Battlefront," according to Kotaku.

Fans of the franchise would be easily reminded of a blooper in "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope" in which one trooper accidentally hits an elevating door. In "Star Wars Battlefront," one trooper could be seen hitting a staircase with his head at the background.

"Star Wars Battlefront" was released on Nov. 17, 2015, for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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