UFO Sightings News: Witness Video Shows Multiple UFOs Flying Under Jetliner

| Nov 27, 2015 11:24 AM EST

A baffled Eva Airlines passenger believes that he recorded the sight of at least eight UFOs in the sky beneath the plane's right wing

A baffled Eva Airlines passenger believes that he recorded the sight of at least eight UFOs in the sky beneath the plane's right wing. The witness admits having seen between eight to ten bright dotted lights when he took out his iPhone and captured the moment.

The unidentified witness wrote a statement to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) explaining what he had seen. "Thirty minutes before landing I saw a bright light flying under the aircraft." The witness claimed to have seen three more UFOs appearing for a series of seconds and concluded to have spotted a total of eight bright UFOs.

It is assumed that the incident happened at around 5 am on Oct. 16, 2015 when the airline was flying northeast of Taiwan. However, the witness' video was only uploaded to You Tube on Nov. 25, 2015, by MUFON and has so far had thousands of views.

Just like anything that is open to debate, some of the viewers are not entirely convinced of the reality of the footage. The upload got both negative and positive comments, reported Openminds.  One of the negative comments from the viewers read: "Those are reflections. MUFON, please filter your sightings so we can keep the real ones from the ones we can explain." In disagreement to this comment, another viewer congratulated MUFON by writing: "great footage, those are obviously NO reflections."

According to some people, the release of the witness' video by MUFON is not only to inform of the event that occurred but also, a message to the world to beware of their surroundings.

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