Obama Girls Behave For Thanksgiving 2015; No Bored Looks, Help Feed Homeless

| Nov 26, 2015 08:58 PM EST

President Obama Serves Thanksgiving Meals To Homeless Veterans

Malia and Sasha Obama have definitely learned their lessons during Thanksgiving 2014 when they were heavily criticized in social media for their rolled eyes and bored looks while participating in the White House's traditional annual pardon of the turkey.

On Thursday, the two young ladies were all smiles as they listened to their father, U.S. President Barack Obama, pardon another turkey named Abe. The pardoned turkey - a yearly tradition which Malia and Sasha previously found silly - was given the name TOTUS or Turkey of the United States, a play on the president's title of POTUS.

The two White House teens actually applied their lessons as early as Christmas 2014 when they were all smiles during the annual Christmas Tree lighting ceremony on Dec. 4, 2014.

On Wednesday, Malia and Sasha continued to show how well-behaved they are now by helping their famous parents serve a holiday-eve dinner at the Friendship Place Homeless Center in Washington.

On Thursday, the president delivered his Thanksgiving address by welcoming refugees and calling troops to thank them. He recalled the arrival of pilgrims who arrived in continental USA in 1620 to flee violence and persecution in their native land.

Obama used the 1620 reference ask Americans to welcome also Syrian refugees who are facing the same situation as the pilgrims did 400 years ago. He had pledged to welcome 10,000 Syrian refugees, but half of the state governors - who are almost 100 percent Republicans - have slammed the door on the refugees over fears they would be infiltrated by Daesh terrorists.

However, Obama - whose paternal grandparents were migrants from Kenya - assured the public who fear a terrorist attack similar to what happened in Paris two weeks ago, "People should remember that no refugee can enter our borders until they undergo the highest security checks of anyone traveling to the United States. That was the case before Paris, and it's the case now," quotes CNN.

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