‘Star Wars The Force Awakens’: Kylo Ren’s Lightsaber Isn’t What We Think It is [VIDEO]

| Nov 27, 2015 06:46 AM EST

The marquee of the El Capitain theatre promotes the soon-to-be-released 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' November 12, 2015, in Hollywood, California.

The lightsaber of the villain Kylo Ren has been holding in the new "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" movie has started an a fascination. Few fans who debated themselves about the blade will now have an idea of the design origins of Ren's weapon.

Disneyland recently opened an exhibit that's called "Star Wars Launch Bay" which features costumes and props that has been used in the movie series. Among the exhibit items is the lightsaber by Kylo Ren with the plaque indicating the history. According to the text it the design of the weapon is ancient although the bearer has made a modification just recently. The quillons or crossguard blades, are power vented raw from its main central blade, Tech Times reported.

With all this information that we are getting about the crossguard is not different , but a very old one that's only resurrected by Darth Vader fanatical Kylo Ren. Inquiry has been made early this year to the set decorator of the movie Star Wars, Roger Christian implied the age of the weapon. According to him, the blade is among the Jedi's old ones that has recovered. So definitely, it is from the ancient era, Yahoo reported.

The quillons has a power stemming off from the primary blade looks like the rough sketched diagram that has been made by Stephen Colbert, also a "Star Wars" fanatic.

The plaque did not include any indication with regards to the contraction date of the blade. But Going back in February, there was an event where Apple's senior VP of design Jony Ive mentioned that he did gave the film director J.J. Abrams an advice with the design thinking that it can be fascinating if the blade is less accurate but instead a little spit-- more primitive.

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will hit theaters on Dec. 18.

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