‘Rise Of The Tomb Raider': Review Slams Game For Lara Croft's Violence? [VIDEO]

| Nov 30, 2015 03:36 AM EST

Game Director, Brian Horton, speaks about 'Rise of the Tomb Raider' during the Microsoft Xbox E3 press conference at the Galen Center on June 15, 2015 in Los Angeles, California.

Since the release of "Rise Of The Tomb Raider" in the gaming world, Lara Croft has earned her own loyal followers who followed her adventures from series to series. The game has resulted to an awesome reviews both steamed from critics and gamers alike. But just like everyone else, Lara Croft can't please everyone. For once, some expressed disappointment for her lifestyle where violence and uncertainty is a reality (at least in Croft's world).

Well, for one reason yes, no one does love any violence. That's two strong opposing words to use. But in the world where Lara lives, adventure is something she has to go through in pursuing her mission. Just like any mission, it involves difficulties and hindrances. Lara may perhaps never dreamed about it, but it's the "reality" in Lara's world. When the game first debuted, Lara was a broken angel, weak and confused after the demise of her father Design and Trend reported. She was lovely, trained to be tough. Maybe what Petit ( FYI, she is the girl from Feminist Frequency) wish to find in the game is a sense of peace and serenity that you can find somewhere in Farmville, maybe?

Lara is someone who is extra good at murdering people and is no way hesitant doing it. Well, Lara has inherited a world where many are lining up to ruin her and her quest. She was once a lovely girl, living in a protected world provided by her father's immense wealth. But upon her father's death her struggles brought upon by her attempts to clear his father's tarnished name, which consequently have forced Lara to face a VIOLENT group who is after the artifacts that she has found. Her isolation in mysterious island has forced her survival instinct mode. Her encounters with villains has forced her to learn winning a fight, Kotaku Australia reported. Petit perhaps forgot to consider that factor that had lead into what she says is violent loving lass. She forgot to see Lara to be strong willed , creative, resilient and empowered.

"Rise Of The Tomb Raider" is now available on Xbox 360 and Xbox One. PC version will be available next year.

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