Sony To Bring PS4 Games To PC And MAC; Launching New Remote Play App!

| Nov 30, 2015 06:32 AM EST

Sony Remote Play App

The latest news from Sony is that it's developing a PS4 Remote App for PC and MAC, so that users can stream their games, which gives a bit of relief for gamers.

Earlier of this month, Sony raised doubts over the release of its next gaming Console PS5, stating that PlayStation 5 will be released earlier than the anticipated launch year of 2020. With the latest news coming from the Sony's President of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida, the gaming fans are gearing up for the treat.

If Sony can successfully stream its gaming content from PS4 to PCs and MACs, as in the case of its Sony TV's (using PlayStation Vita Kit), then the gamers would have an opportunity to play their favorite games such as "Fallout" and "Destiny" on their personal computers. If the TV is occupied by someone else, then the games can be continued on other mobile devices with Windows and MAC OS' without any hesitation.

Sony is also looking forward in expanding its mobile compatibility outside Sony phones to a wider environment, which is presently occupied by Android. Even if Sony's plan of expanding its mobile compatibility may not be really happening, gamers would still have a great experience of continuing their games on PCs and MACs.

The new Remote App from Sony also puts itself in the line of its major contender Microsoft, which has launched Xbox One streaming functionality alongside Windows 10, which has been a true-cross platform OS working across phones, tablets, phablets, PC and Xbox.

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