Beijing-based 999 Center Apologizes for Service Delay

| Dec 01, 2015 08:12 AM EST

The Beijing Red Cross Society administers the 999 Emergency Rescue Center where journalist Zhang Yan was admitted.

Television journalist Zhang Yan of Liaoning Province shared that he has received an apology from the Beijing-based 999 Emergency Rescue Center.

Zhang said that he received delayed treatment from the center when he was critically ill.

On Saturday, he posted on his Weibo account that a staff member of the rescue hub contacted him on Friday eve and extended an apology on the center's behalf.

The center, administered by Beijing Red Cross Society, also offered the journalist a compensation.

Recounting the instance, Zhang, who suffered from acute intestinal obstruction on Nov. 9, shared that the staff of the center refused to send him to a good hospital after they were unable to give him proper treatment.

The journalist also said that he had checkups at the center that lasted for about three hours. While he experiences great pain, the doctors still were not able to find the cause. They even suspected him of having used drugs.

Thankfully, Zhang managed to call two of his friends, one of which is a doctor. Upon the demand of his doctor friend, the center transferred him to Peking University People's Hospital, where he had a successful operation that removed part of his intestine.

Feng Xueyan, the center's publicity official, remarked that they are already investigating the case. However, he refused to divulge further comment.

The Beijing Red Cross Society could also not be reached on Sunday.

Meanwhile, the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Commission is expected to soon supervise emergency medical hubs in the Chinese capital.

The city will also release detailed regulations to attain a higher standard of care, as proposed to Beijing's top legislative body last week.

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