Mass. Woman Learns She’s Pregnant At 10PM, Gives Birth At 11PM

| Jan 09, 2015 08:57 PM EST

Katherine Kropas' baby

A woman from Massachusetts found out she was pregnant on Jan. 6, Tuesday, at 10 p.m. and gave birth to a healthy 10-pound baby girl at 11 p.m. of the same night.

It was Katherine Kropas' first time to give birth and apparently, she only had one hour to prepare. In the morning before she gave birth, she went to South Shore Hospital complaining of severe back pain but the doctors had difficulty determining the source of the pain, ABC reported.

Kropas told WCVB the doctors discovered she was pregnant after they did an ultrasound. She said, "They took one look, and they rushed me off into labor. I found out that I was having a baby at 10:15. She was born at 11:06 p.m."

The new mother told NECN she did not experience symptoms of pregnancy, such as swollen feet and morning sickness. The arrival of the baby girl she named Ellie was a total surprise to Kropas but she said they are "having a lot of fun so far" and she thinks "this is just the beginning."

According to Kropas, she noticed some weight gain over the past few months but she thought it was only because of the holidays. She added that her menstrual cycle has remained regular as she and her boyfriend use birth control.

While Kropas' condition sounds unusual, South Shore Hospital said it has one or two surprise pregnancies every year. Practicing OB/GYN and ABC News senior medical contributor Dr. Jennifer Ashton said that overweight or obese women are more likely to experience such surprise pregnancies.

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