Apple Celebrates iPhone’s 8th Birthday

| Jan 10, 2015 05:53 AM EST

iPhone 6 Smartphone

Steve Jobs unveiled the first iPhone eight years ago on Jan.9, 2007, according to TIME.

In the stage of Macworld 2007, Jobs showed off the first iPhone, which was the first touch screen Internet device.

An Apple employee shared his experience in handling the first iPhone.

"As soon as I swiped the screen for the first time, I knew a radical shift in technology had taken place," the employee said.

The iPhone did not only change the world of technology but the lifestyle of the people as well. At the touch of the fingertips, users can now access the Internet easily. Aside from calling and texting, the mobile phone can now be used like a portable computer, Cult of Mac reported.

The launch of iOs Apple Store also paved the way for app developers.  A total of over $25 billion has been paid to creators of the applications.

The Apple device did not have an easy journey. During Job's first demonstration, the iPhone dropped calls, lost the Internet connection and crashed.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer doubted the device's capabilities saying that the expensive phone does not appeal to the business world.

The release of the first iPhones in the market was successful but it continued to encounter challenges as years go by.  Competitors have surfaced including its most successful rival, Samsung, according to Fast Company.

The iPhone 4 also encountered the signal dropping error, which gained a parody from mobile users entitled "The iPhone Antenna Song." Amidst the entire backlash, Jobs calmly explained that "smartphones are not perfect and neither is Apple."

After eight years, the iPhone has greatly evolved into a thinner and more flexible device. Although, iPhone has changed into something more advanced, Jobs legacy continued as Apple still followed the original concept.

Consumers can look forward to what Apple has in-store for 2015. Happy 8 years iPhone! 

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