Azure's Move To Support Linux-Based-Servers Threatens AWS Dominance

| Jan 14, 2015 03:59 AM EST

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Microsoft, earlier this week released an n update to its Azure cloud computing service. The Azure Data Center Migration Solution (ADCMS) allows its users to seamlessly transfer their data from one Azure data center to another; also the new update allows users to move their cloud deployment from two different subscriptions using the same data center.

According to Microsoft the ADCMS also comes in with some added features for security, Virtual Machines or VM's and the new Docker support system. Probably the biggest update for Azure is its support for Linux servers and virtual machines, what this means is that Linux based servers can now use Azure's Migration Accelerator which will greatly help companies who are using Linux servers in migrating their data to different data centers.

Microsoft Cloud and Enterprise lead program manager Srinath Vasireddy shared this news to his blog saying "Today, we are excited to add support for the migration of Linux physical and virtual machines to Azure, this functionality will further bolster the support for heterogeneity in MA [Migration Accelerator]."

Migration Accelerator is a newly developed technology from InMage that allows big companies to route their physical and virtual server's workloads to cloud-based servers in order to lower down the stress imposed on their servers and in turn regulate their server's work capacity.

These new technologies acquired by Microsoft will surely help customers who are facing problems in migrating data from one data center to another.

Right now the biggest provider of cloud-computing service is the Amazon Web Services. However the recent upgrade of Microsoft's Azure and its support of Linux based server's poses a big threat for Amazon's dominance on the market.

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